Arch-Enemy: To Magneto he captures and tortures Magneto's children and has killed most of his X-Men in the Age of Apocalypse storyline. Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is a bright blue.
Top-Heavy Guy: His default look, based on his controversial Space Knight appearance. Heroic Host: Unlike most other Venom hosts, Flash Thompson is unambiguously heroic- his boyscout goodness contrasting with Eddie Brock's lethal protector anti-hero status. Fire-Forged Friends: Flash and the Venom Symbiote in the comics, the Symbiote ultimately becomes so fond of Thompson that it chooses him over Eddie Brock. His teammate Red Hulk was given one as well, and they get a team bonus for it, and Daimon Hellstrom, who had a hand in it as well, gets a separate team bonus with Flash for it. Demonic Possession: He has been chosen to bear a Hell-Mark a symbol of power and potential to ascend to lordship over the realms of Hell, and allowing his symbiote to transform into a more demonic form.
Dark Is Not Evil: He's a Venom host, with all the teeth and claws that implies, but he's as big a boyscout as Spider-Man himself- limiting his killing as much as possible and annoying his teammates with his optimism. The "Old Enemies, New Allies" team bonus applies when they're paired together. In the costumes, Venom idolizes Spider-Man and wants to work with him, but Peter doesn't trust the Symbiote, especially one that's running around with guns. Out of the suit, Flash and Peter are close friends but unaware of each other's secret identities. When he was presented with the Venom Symbiote and offered the chance to become a government backed Spider-Man super soldier, and get his legs back in the process, Flash jumped at the opportunity. He joined the army because he didn't have powers like Spider-Man, but still wanted to do good like him. Ascended Fanboy: Flash was the president of the Spider-Man Fan Club as a teenager. When he's bonded to the Venom symbiote, it creates artificial legs for him to walk on.
Artificial Limbs: Flash Thompson lost both his legs while serving his country.In game, he gets a team bonus when paired with Red Hulk and Elektra because of it. Anti-Hero Team: He was on Red Hulk's version of the Thunderbolts for a while.Absurdly Sharp Claws: The Venom Symbiote gives him extremely sharp claws, which he uses to full effect in several of his skills.